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Add a new dimension to your cycling

Ian Chitty

Novice 10-mile Time Trials: Saturday 25 March & Wednesday 19 April 2023.

Taking part in a cycling time trial is a great way to improve your cycling fitness, boost your motivation and break up the routine of club riding.

There is nothing to be nervous about – you’re riding against yourself

In a Time Trial, it doesn’t matter whether you are the fastest or slowest person on the day. Nor does your fitness level, age or gender. It’s just you – against yourself.

All you need is a bike … any bike, and the curiosity to find out what you can achieve and whether you can improve next time. It’s all over in a flash. And when you get your breath back and your body is swimming with endorphins, you will have the satisfaction of having ridden at 100% of your capacity and learned where your limits are. Something to josh about with your fellow riders as you head towards the post-event cake table. It could add a whole new dimension to your cycling.

So, what are you waiting for?

Our 2023 season starts this month and we have a designated 10 mile ‘novice’ event on Saturday 25 March at 14.30. It’s a straight and relatively traffic-free course, so great for beginners. If you can’t make it, we have another beginners’ event on the evening of Wednesday 19 April at 18.30.

If you would like to know more about what a time trial is or how it works, please email me on

Ian Chitty

Time Trial Secretary

"I guess I was a little nervous before my first TT but I need not have worried. The marshals were all friendly faces and we were all smiling at the end. I entered a few events in 2022, it was a really good way to benchmark my cycling fitness but more than that I found my club cycling benefitted from those few faster rides. Give it a go! "

Richard Byrne, NRC Member


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