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NRC turns Wight – Gold and Navy

Newbury Road Club

IoW could have been the Med on the hottest day of the year…

The circular day trip round the Isle of Wight is becoming a regular club fixture. It’s always a highlight and this Autumn’s outing was no exception. The weather usually helps but no-one expected the hottest day of the year to be 7 September.

22 NRC members assembled in Southampton for the 8.00 crossing and in three groups breezed round the ups and downs of this beautiful route. The chosen direction was anticlockwise, with a coffee stop in Freshwater and lunch (for most) at the excellent Besty and Spinky café in Ventnor. Despite the heat, everyone made it back for the 16.30 return and a well-earned cold drink on-board.

Thanks to David Lillystone for organising, the ride leaders for leading and everyone for taking part.

Heading for home

Keep an eye out for future NRC awaydays on Spond.

Next stop is the Club weekend away in Ross on Wye at the end of the month. See you there.


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